Today campers explored special effects in a lesson called Photo Effects. Campers also reviewed many of the image processing techniques and prepared to "show-off" their new skills at the Camp IPX Open House. Many campers finished up projects they have been developing over the past ten days.

Campers used their resizing, and cutting and pasting skills to create special effects.

Campers practiced some of the activities in preparation for their demonstrations at the Open House.

Campers completed Camp IPX evaluations. "What did you like best about Camp IPX?" and "What would you change?" Campers gave specific examples of their favorite activities.

Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

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Open House | Acknowledgements | Final Report

Web pages authored by Joanne Goodwin, Camp Director. Web page pictures prepared using photoweb v1.2, a UNIX graphics utility authored by Phil Wherry.